Is Your Chronic Illness Ruining Your Life?


Have you been suffering with a serious disease for years? Are you worried sick about the growing cost of your dangerous prescription drugs that your doctor says you will have to take the rest of your life?

We will show you how to treat or cure your illness with Dr Batmanghelidj's Water Cure, for Free!

Here is what you do:

scroll down, click on the link below and watch the "Water Cure" video.

Second, come back and review the important information on this site.

Third, download your own, free 16 page e-book, the "Complete Water Protocol" at bottom of the page for instructions on how to begin treatment of your own illness. CLICK ON THE VIDEO LINK, NOW!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Answer to Chronic, Degenerative Diseases!

Water Cures,Drugs Kill is the name of the ground breaking book by Dr. F. Batmanghelidj an MD and gastroenterologist who stumbled across the greatest medical secret since the Egyptian medical papyri, most of which were destroyed by the Romans. They were said to contain all of the medical knowledge available to mankind up until the Egyptian period.

Dr Batman, as he quickly became known to Americans, discovered that virtually all diseases were in fact various expressions of unintentional dehydration in the afflicted parts of the body and not diseases at all!

For instance, asthma is in fact the body's way of decreasing the rate of respiration so to cut down on the amount of water lost through breathing, which amounts to half of the 2 quarts of water lost to the body every day. The other half is eliminated when we go to the bathroom. Drink more water and the asthma goes away!

Essential hypertension, which, like asthma has no known cause or cure, Dr Batman found, was due to the dehydration of the body's cells. In order to get the vital water into those cells, histamine is deployed which triggers several other chemicals including vasopressin. As its name suggests, its purpose is to constrict the blood vessels which creates the pressure (high blood pressure)necessary to force water from the blood stream into the interior of the dehydrated cells.

To cure asthma and to cure essential hypertension as well as most other chronic diseases including cancer, diabetes, MS, etc. all you have to do is to make sure you drink 8-16 glasses of water, depending on body weight and take an additional 1/4 teaspoon of salt every day, while eating a diet rich in vegetables and supplementing your diet with essential minerals and vitamins (The Complete Water Protocol).

I know it sounds crazy, but Dr Batman did the experiments and research that proved water cured major illnesses and published scientific papers in the various research journals such as the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology and the Journal of Anticancer Research to prove his theories.

He also addressed such august organizations as the Tumor Biology Unit of Kings College Medical School of London University, the Scientific Secretariat of the of the Third Interscience World Conference on Inflammation and our own National Institutes of Health where he presented proof of his historical discoveries.

These papers and presentations were promptly ignored or worse by main stream medicine and Big Pharma who stood to be bankrupted if such an effective and inexpensive treatment and cure was made available to the general public.

The quickest way to get your mind around this fantastic paradigm shift in medical practice is to check out this amazing video with Dr Batmanghelidj on a local TV program

The Book, "Water Cures, Drugs Kill!" Has Dozens of Testimonials!

You can also pick up a copy of one of Dr Batman's last books, "Water Cures Drugs Kill." In it you will find dozens of testimonials from satisfied patients the world over who cured everything from acne to cancer with plain, good ole tap water. Many of these testimonials come from fellow doctors and other health care professionals.

You can also listen to or read the testimonials of people, including mine, of those who were cured of their "incurable" diseases, such as asthma, acid reflux, diabetes and cancer with water* and The Water Protocol. Links on the left.

You will also find references to additional research in some of his earlier books such as "The Body's Many Cries for Water," which has cites papers in research and professional journals.

You can pick up a copy of these books and others by clicking on the Amazon link on this page on the left.

Since Dr Batman's unfortunate death in a US hospital from "complications of pneumonia" in 2004, many people have felt compelled to continue his work of exposing the deprivations of the health care industry and to get this information out to as many people as possible.

Come to our Free Water Cures Study Group!

We are doing our part by hosting Meetup groups around the country (In Philadelphia, PA? go here: to study Dr Batman's work and spread the good word that the cure for your "incurable" chronic illness that has been draining your pocket book while not responding to conventional medical treatment is as near and as cheap as the water in your kitchen sink.* If you are not in the Philly area, you can register on that site to participate in our weekly teleseminars which are broadcast directly from our Study Groups.

In conjunction with the Franklin Junior Foundation and other organizations, we sponsor Free Community Health Fairs around the country for local churches, schools and civic organizations, often with life saving results; as we frequently identify people with chronic illnesses who do not even know they are sick. Let us know if you would like us to put on a Community Health Fair for your organization.

Get the Free E-Book, "The Complete Water Protocol!"

Listen to the Testimonials on this site, buy Dr Batman's book(s), try out his methods (download a Free copy of The Complete Water Protocol!) Water Protocol)and join our free mailing list to be kept abreast of developments and programs in your area. Please let us know if you would like to help us spread the word.

Please contact me directly with any questions or suggestions.

Bill Young, Nutritional Therapy Coach

* We no longer recommend the drinking of unfiltered tap water, if you can avoid it.
There is a growing body of scientific research which indicates that as many as 19 million Americans may become ill each year due to just the parasites, viruses and bacteria in drinking water.

Certain types of cancer — such as breast and prostate cancer — have risen dramatically over the past 30 years, and research indicates these rises are likely tied to pollutants found in drinking water such as the residue of the chlorine put into water to kill pathogens.

We now recommend that you use at the minimum a good carbon water filter to clean up your tap water.